The PEI Fishermen’s Association are seeking 1 Captain, Vessel and a crew member to potentially participate in an acoustic sounding project in the cod spawning area near Miscou Bank (Shediac Valley).  The PEIFA plan to submit a bid to DFO for the project work and therefore are subject to the successful award of the contract.   

(Blue box in Shediac Valley is general project area)


The captain will use the acoustic equipment to locate the spawning area, once located the captain will sail the spawning area to delineate the extent of the spawning aggregation. The captain will then conduct parallel transects placed at 1nm intervals to moving from the eastern most extent of the aggregation to the west until the area is covered. Acoustic data collected will be downloaded at the end of each survey.

The timeframe of the project is late April to early July with a maximum of 10 surveys throughout the season (1 survey per week only).  Final number of surveys to be determined by DFO upon reward of the contract.  Maximum hours to complete 1 survey is 12 hours.  Maximum survey speed is 8 knots.  The project is intended for 2022 with late start.  If extended to 2023, this selected Captain would be utilized to complete the project.

DFO will provide the installation and calibration of the acoustic survey equipment on board fishers vessel.   The PEIFA will cover the cost of a boat specific side mounting bracket made to attach the side-mounting transducer provided by DFO.

Other Captain/Vessel requirements: 

•       It is very important that the vessel is dry, clean, has good power, with a conscientious captain, and must NOT have a 120KHz sounder activated at the same time the science equipment will be used.

•       Captain must provide proof of marine insurance and pictures of their vessel (inside and out) which is to be included in the bid application. 

•       A copy of the Captain’s worker’s compensation coverage for the project will be required before beginning the project. 

•       Experience in projects of similar size/scope is considered an asset but not required in this bid.

•       The captain must also provide his duly completed logbook.


·       Payment of $6000.00 per completed (and DFO approved) survey trip.  This all-inclusive price to the Captain and includes all costs associated with the use of the fishing boat (charter fee, fuel, insurance, vessel repairs/maintenance, etc.), the hire of Captain and crew, food, extra steam time to the survey strata, docking fees, and land travel costs for example.  The amount of work for each survey must be able to be completed within a period of 12 hours maximum.

·       DFO has indicated that any surveys done outside of the scientific requirements (as to location, time, etc.) will not be considered valid, and no compensation will be paid (Note: DFO says this will be strictly enforced).

·       A lump sum payment can be expected to the Captain from the PEIFA following the completion of the project and approval/confirmation by DFO.

·       The Captain agrees that he shall maintain third party liability insurance on his vessel (in the amount of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence on his vessel). A copy of the insurance plan will need to be provided to DFO.

·       The Captain will be required to sign a contract with the PEIFA (copy of the contract can be provided for their info) agreeing to the protocol, rate of pay and insurance coverage.

·       A T4A will be issued upon completion of the project thus the PEIFA will require the Captain’s Social Insurance Number (SIN)

DISCLAIMER: This project is scheduled for 2022 and as with each project is subject to the current Federal and Provincial Covid-19 requirements/protocols. 




•       DFO requires a minimum of one fishing vessel to use an adaptive survey design to locate and delineate the spatial extent of the cod spawning area near Miscou Bank. Acoustic surveys will take place in the spring to locate the spawning grounds and the timing of spawning. The survey will be completed once a week on the spawning grounds. The captain will use the acoustic equipment to locate the spawning area, once located the captain will sail the spawning area to delineate the extent of the spawning aggregation. The captain will then conduct parallel transects placed at 1nm intervals to moving from the eastern most extent of the aggregation to the west until the area is covered. Acoustic data collected will be downloaded at the end of each survey by the Fisheries Association representative or by DFO employees.

•       The following specifications and standards must be met and maintained throughout the contract period:

•       The same vessels must be used for the entire project. No substitution of vessels will be allowed unless the contractor receives written approval from the Scientific Authority for the project;

•       DFO will provide the installation and calibration of the acoustic survey equipment.

•       The fishing association is responsible for having a boat specific side mounting bracket made to attach the side-mounting transducer provided by DFO. This bracket must be made after the equipment has been installed by DFO to ensure that the bracket fits with supplied equipment and is installed in the proper location. The bracket must be installed prior to conducting any acoustic surveys.

•       Surveys will be completed once a week on the spawning grounds. The maximum number of surveys in each area will be determined by DFO upon contract award.

•       For each survey, captains are required to complete the transects and cover the entire spawning area.

•       Survey speeds must not exceed 8 knots on a transect (speed will be recorded by the scientific equipment).

•       Acoustic data collected will be downloaded at the end of each survey by the association or DFO employees.

•       It is very important that the vessels that are chosen for this project are dry, clean, have good power, with a conscientious captain, and must not have a 120KHz sounder activated at the same time the science equipment will be used.

•       Each survey must be completed in a 12-hour period.

•       The Captain must provide proof of marine insurance for participating captain and vessels.

•       Vessels for acoustics must be dry, clean, have good power and be of appropriate size for navigation and hydroacoustics in the sample area. Pictures of the vessel must be submitted.

•       Experience in managing projects of similar size/scope is considered an asset but not required in this bid.


DFO SUPPORT:  The DFO will be responsible for the following in support of the contract:

•       Provision of the protocol to ensure consistency in data collection.

•       Provision of echosounder and computer workstations.

•       The downloading of the data will be done by DFO employees or Fisheries Association representative depending on regional agreements.

•       Provision of a limited range of scientific equipment to ensure consistency in data collection including a logbook.


Any questions on the project details, please contact Laura Ramsay, Research & Liaison Officer with the PEIFA @ (902) 393-2281 or or Melanie Giffin, Marine Biologist with the PEIFA @ 902-330-4466 or

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