You can find the notice here: Advance Notice of Fisheries Closures (Presence of NARW)


 Moncton, NB – September 26, 2019– Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) – Gulf Region is providing a notice of the reopening of five grids that were previously closed and of new temporary fisheries closures of a fishing area due to the presence of North Atlantic Right Whales (NARW). 

As per the Dynamic fisheries management protocol, the following grids will be opening on September 26, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT): 

Portion grids: GV33 GV34 GV35 GW33, GW34, GW35, GX33, GX34, GX35, GZ38, HB39 and HC39.
As per the Dynamic fisheries management protocol, the following grids will be closed September 29, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT):
Full grids: HE45, HE46, HF45, HF46; and 
Portion of grids: HG45, HG46 and HG47 from the 20 fathoms shallow water protocol line and deeper. 
DFO is providing a 72 hours advanced notice of a fishery closure. All non-tended gear must be removed from the closed area before the time of closure.