The following is the UNOFFICIAL list drawn from #1-100 for the 2015 Snow Crab Draw on April 24th, 2015 at the farm centre, charlottetown and all are subject to dfo confirmation:    

Anticipate approximately 75-80 of the first registrants drawn will receive an allocation of five ( 5) metric tonnes of snow crab (11,020 lbs).  Fishers selected in the Draw are subject to confirmation by DFO that they meet the eligibility requirements to participate in the 2015 Snow Crab Fishery.

 Ballot #, Last Name, First Name, Middle

1 McCarthy Wilfred Eugene
2 Ehler Danny 
3 Sharpe Patrick A.
4 Clements  Danny  William
5 Harper Cletus
6 Native Council
7 MacKay Glen Hollis
8 Arsenault Norman J
9 Howatt Stephen Warren
10 Gavin Frances  Ann
11 Butler Bernard Carl
12 Gauthier Garry Aubin
13 Butler Curtis Merrill
14 McCarthy Shaun
15 Montgomery David
16 MacPhee Dustin
17 Gallant Marcel Joseph
18 Campbell Edward F.
19 Hume Sheldon A
20 McInnis Edna
21 Cooke Barry John
22 Rose Lindsay J. 
23 Aylward David Lowell
24 Powers Alan Mark
25 Pigott Charles R
26 MacKinnon Gary
27 Lea Jason
28 Vuozzo Fae
29 Arsenault Alfred J
30 Lanigan Neil Eugene
31 Yeo Harry
32 Drake Roy Eldon
33 MacDonald James Ernest
34 Morrissey Patrick J.
35 Johns  Dave
36 Coffin Allen G
37 Ramsay Kirk
38 MacDonald Arthur
39 MacPhee Ricky
40 MacPhee Bobby
41 Yeo Marilyn
42 McRae Ronnie
43 Hackett Nicholas Thomas
44 Murray William Paul
45 Clow David Ray
46 Miller William J.
47 Murphy Peter John
48 Jackson John
49 Shea Travis
50 Mallett George J.
51 Mallard Nick
52 Cole Chris
53 McRae Gary Patrick
54 Cooke Calvin Charles
55 Llewellyn Rosemary E
56 Clark Ewen
57 Costain Terry A
58 Frazer Jock WS
59 Bulger Clarence Andrew
60 Gavin Phillip Eric
61 Veld Craig
62 Richard David Paul
63 McCormack Mark
64 Gavin Gary Walter
65 Fennessey Lonny
66 King Daniel A
67 Richards Jared Alan
68 Wagner Eric
69 Stewart Gordon L.
70 Rose Martin
71 Llewellyn Robert  Glen
72 Gaudet Arthur Joseph
73 Morrison Allan Hector
74 Gallant Robert J
75 McCarthy Bethany
76 MacBeth Brian
77 Hardy Lyndon
78 Miller Gordon Edward
79 MacPherson Donald
80 Cole Kevin  L.
81 MacKay John W.
82 Shaw Wade
83 Coffin Kevin G
84 Watts Donald Allison
85 Hardy Matthew
86 MacLean Darren G
87 Johnston Charles A
88 Roberts Lester Vincent
89 Hutt Cory Dwayne
90 Matthews Leigh F.
91 Gormley Sara
92 McCue Floyd
93 McCarthy David E.
94 MacDonald Gerald R
95 Cooke Morgan
96 Jollimore Mitchell
97 Gavin Earl Alexander
98 Livingstone Trent Aaron
99 Easter Keir Edward
100 Johnson David

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