This past winter’s higher than average ice accumulation around Prince Edward Island resulted in delays in the lobster openings in several LFAs. 

I have listened at the requests of our hard-working fishermen over the past few weeks and I am pleased to announce that lobster fishermen in all Gulf LFAs will have an additional four days to fish. 
This decision was based on several factors including the fact that this is a sensitive time for lobster reproduction and the increased risk of fishing soft shell lobster. 
This four day extension strikes the right balance between ensuring we protect our precious resource while allowing our fishermen to get more days out fishing. 

Our Government has always been there to support our PEI lobster fishermen. Since 2006 we have invested over $60 million in our province’s small craft harbours. Between 2010 and 2014, we have provided more than $11 million to PEI lobster organizations under the Atlantic Sustainability Measures. Less traps and licenses have reduced pressure on stocks and improved the viability of the industry for our lobster fishermen on PEI. 
I am extremely proud of what this Government has delivered for PEI.

Hon. Minister Gail Shea 
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans 
MP for Egmont 

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Ice Reports
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