(Sent on behalf of Transport Canada’s Marine Policy Directorate )  

Hello everyone,

This is to advise you of the pre-publication of the Regulations Respecting Compulsory Insurance for Ships Carrying Passengers in the Canada Gazette, Part I on December 24, 2016. This is an important step towards ensuring compensation for passengers and their families that have been injured as a result of a marine incident and aligning the marine mode with other modes where compulsory passenger insurance is the norm. 

Transport Canada has consulted widely during the development of the regulations, most recently through a discussion paper with a detailed proposal that was circulated in 2012.  

We appreciate the comments that we received from a number of you on that proposal.  We have incorporated many of your suggestions in the regulations that can be found at: http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2016/2016-12-24/html/reg2-eng.php

Notably, these regulations:
Expressly exclude pleasure craft;
Allow for the use of Commercial General Liability (CGL) and other policies (e.g., homeowners) provided the policy applies to liability arising from marine incidents;
No longer require that a portion of the liability insurance be set aside expressly for passenger claims;
Provide flexibility for small vessels that may be more open to the elements by allowing them the option of carrying the Certificate of Insurance onboard or to provide it to a designated officer within 24 hours after the officer boards the vessel;
Allow for the substitution of a P&I Club Certificate of Entry in place of the Certificate of Insurance.

Comments on the regulations should be forwarded to me in accordance with the information in Canada Gazette I by February 22nd, 2017.

Best regards,

Doug O’Keefe
Chief, International Marine Policy,
Marine Policy Directorate
Transport Canada
Place de Ville, Tower C
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N5 
tel.: 613-608-8904 
fax: 613-998-1845
email: doug.okeefe@tc.gc.ca

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