Shark Data Collection 2017/2018

Project 1: Fixed station longline survey for large pelagic sharks

Details: In June (dates still to be determined), approximately 50 pre-determined stations will be fished with pelagic longline gear (ranging from the Grand Banks, along the shelf and shelf edge, into the Gulf, and into the outer Bay of Fundy – map attached). The primary species expected to be captured is porbeagle shark.

 Project 2: Opportunistic satellite tagging of large pelagic sharks

Details: this project will take place exclusively in 4VWX so is not relevant to everyone on this email. Sharks are not expected to be captured for this project as the primary goal is to explore whether it is possible to tag basking sharks and (potentially) white sharks that are sighted opportunistically. If this fails, tagging other species may be explored.  A maximum of 7 satellite tags will be deployed. A separate SARA permit is being sought specifically for white shark. Expected dates: 1-2 short trips in August to October.

 Project 3: Post-release survival of Shortfin mako shark and (potentially) Bluefin Tuna

Details: this project will take place in collaboration with the pelagic longline fleet fishing Swordfish during regular fishing activities. Potential locations are determined by license conditions for the fleet. A maximum of 30 incidentally captured animals will be tagged with short-term survival tags and released. Expected dates: regular commercial trips in August to October.


Please contact me with any specific questions.


Heather Bowlby


Research Lead

Canadian Atlantic Shark Research Laboratory

Fisheries & Oceans, Canada

Bedford Institute of Oceanography

1 Challenger Drive

Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4A2

Tel: (902) 426-5836


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