REWARD OFFERED: October, 2010
Satellite tags from Tuna Catch and Release Project

If you find one of these tags on the tuna coming in from the PEI commercial fishery please keep the tag and someone from the project will pick it up from you. Please notify the PEI Fishermen’s Association’s project coordinator Pat ONeill at 629-0148 or the PEIFA office 566-4050.
The following basic information is needed, where the fish was commercially caught (Long/Latt or Loran #) and the date it was caught. This info should all be present on the logsheet provided with the fish.
Please include the name of the fish harvester who had caught the tagged tuna (and their info including telephone number and address) as a reward is being offered for the tags! A tag returned from the commercial fishery is good news as it indicates that the fish has resumed its normal behavior and is feeding etc.
There is a reward for each of the tuna tags that are returned to the project. Below is a picture of a tag so fishers will know what they look like:

PAT tag.gif