Based on the results of the 2012 HFA 16G Herring Questionnaire, the following change to daily limits will be in place for the 2012 fall herring fishing season via the HFA 16G Overage Program: 

• 15,000 pound daily limit with a max of 75,000 pounds per week


The results were as follows with a total of 75 returns:
Option A:  Status Quo – 20,000 pound daily limit (with max of 75,000 pounds per week) – 17 in favor
Option B:  15,000 pound daily limit (with max of 75,000 pounds per week) – 31 in favor
Option C:  Other – total of 27 in favor (A break down of the 27 is as follows:  15 in favor of 12,000 pound daily limit, 11 in favor of 10,000 pound daily limit, and 1 in favor of 12,500 pound daily limit)


On behalf of the PEIFA HFA 16G Advisory Committee we’d like to thank all fish harvesters who took the time to submit their views through the questionnaire.