Lobster Party on the Beach - Fall Flavours Event

September 08, 2013



Hosted by Chef Corbin and the PEI Fishermen's Association

This Fall Flavours 'Signature' Event features guest Chef Corbin and all the great things that coastal PEI offers. You will be on sensory overload as you experience soft sand, ocean breezes, lilting beach grass and fresh PEI lobster cooked to perfection. The event is simply and purely "Lobster on the Beach".

Date: Sunday, September 8th, 2013.
Time: 4:00-7:00pm.
Location: Cedar Dunes Provincial Park, 159 Cedar Dunes Park Road, West Point, PEI.
Transportation: $12.00 per person. Departs from: The Delta Prince Edward, 18 Queen Street, Charlottetown, PEI at 1:15PM, and from The Farm Centre, 420 University Avenue, Charlottetown, PEI at 1:30pm and from The Harbourfront Theatre, 124 Harbour Drive, Summerside, PEI at 2:45PM.
Admission: $75.00
Ticket prices subject to applicable taxes and fees.

Tickets can be purchased online through the PEI Fall Flavours events webpage via the following link: http://www.fallflavours.ca/calendar/56/4672-Lobster-Party-on-the-Beach

For more information and to view video and testimonials from the Chefs please visit the Fall Flavours link (posted above).






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