For Immediate Release

Spring Lobster Fishers in Lobster Fishing Area 24 will set 300 traps

Contact Peter Boertien 902-743-3007 or Patrick O’Neill 902-566-3707.

Lobster fishers in Lobster Fishing Area 24 will set 300 traps for the Spring season fishery in 2011 which opens April 30, according to a statement issued by Peter Boertien, Chair of the Lobster Fishing Area 24 Advisory Committee.

Lobster Fishing Area 24 comprises the whole of the North coast of Prince Edward Island.

The minimum carapace size of lobster for the Spring season will be 71 millimeters, an increase of 1 millimeter over 2010, states the release.

A reduction in the number of traps to be set from 300 to 290 and the 1 millimeter carapace increase was scheduled for 2011 as the first stage in a three year program of changes to the fishery designed to enhance the sustainability of the resource, stated Patrick O’Neill, consultant on the sustainability program for Lobster Fishing Area 24.

This change in direction has necessitated the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to amend previously approved license conditions and they are now making arrangements to get the full complement of tags to harvesters in advance of the season.

The first stage of trap reduction has been deferred by one year to reduce the impact of increasing the carapace size of lobster allowed for harvesting in the first year of the sustainability program, states the release.

Deferring the first stage of trap reduction to 2012 was decided on in a consultation and vote by Port Representatives states Mr. Boertien.

The 1 millimeter carapace increase for 2011 is part of changes taking place under the Atlantic Lobster Sustainability Measures Program (ALSMP) of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

The goal of the program is to implement measures in the fishery to enhance the sustainabiity of the resource which are consistent with the unique needs which vary from one lobster fishing area to another states the release.


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