Update:  Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 (10AM)

Unfavorable weather this week has impacted the amount of time fishers have been able to spend on the water for the Halibut reallocation fishery.  Strong East/North East winds forecasted today and tommorow will further limit access for fishers.  The Department of Fisheries & Oceans has advised that this has led to the decision to reopen the halibut fishery on Monday, October 27th until Friday, October 31st, 2014 for those fishers issued for the reallocation only (51 Commercial fishers + 3 Commercial Communal fishers).

The variation order confirming this decision should be available by DFO by the end of day today, and will be posted on our website asap.   

Given this decision, there will not be a conference call on Friday morning between the Groundfish Advisory and DFO.

Any questions on this fishery, please contact local DFO Resource Manager, Chris Mills 902 566-7807.

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