After hurricane Fiona, the Prince Edward Island Fishermen's Association (PEIFA) was contacted by David Burke, a homeowner in West Covehead. David lives in Ottawa and is a District Chief with the City of Ottawa Fire Service. David approached and received the support of the Ottawa Professional Fire Fighters Association and commenced a fundraising campaign. Their campaign, simply called Ottawa Fire Fighters helping PEI, raised funds for hurricane relief and wrapped up on October 24th, one month after the hurricane.

David's vision was to split funds raised between the fishing and farming industry as well as "everyday islanders". To help those in his North Shore Community, David has formed a partnership with the Municipality of the North Shore, and the Brackley Beach Women's Institute to help distribute grocery cards to those in need. He is also working with Agro Co-op in Charlottetown to aid the farming community. Twenty five, one hundred dollar grocery gift cards, and six, five hundred dollar gift cards for the Agro Co-op, donated by the Ottawa Professional Fire Fighters Association will be distributed. 

David reached out to the PEIFA seeking input on helping the fishing industry in his Island Community. The PEIFA commended his compassion for Islanders and his selfless effort to help. The funds raised for the fishing industry will be spent to purchase additional grocery cards for those in need. Thank You David and to the Ottawa Professional Fire Fighters Association for all your hard work to support Islanders!! 

Additional information can be found on both the Agro Co-op and Brackley Beach Community Centre Facebook pages, or by contacting Colleen at the Co-op, (902) 892-9141, or Alice from the Brackley Beach Women's Institute (902) 940-5833. Residents of the North Shore area, can contact the Rural Municipality of North Shore, attention Gerard Watts (902) 672-2600.

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