Notice to PEI Herring Fish Harvesters - HFA 16G 



PEIFA/DFO are seeking participants for the annual project: 

1)   Seeking one or two Captains/Vessels for hire – To complete the Acoustic Soundings (using equipment provided) in HFA 16G Fishermen’s Bank Area (2 grids) and North Lake (1 grid).

2)   Seeking one or two Captains/Vessels for hire – To complete the experimental 5 panel testnet sampling in either or both Fishermen’s Bank & North Lake.

 More information on participant qualifications can be found at or by contacting Laura @ the PEIFA Office at 902-393-2281 

The following are a list of details/qualifications for the new participants in the Herring project:

 1)     Captain/Vessel for hire – Acoustic Sounding of designated grids in HFA 16G in North Lake (1 grid) and Fishermen’s Bank (2 grids)

·       Fisher must be reliable, experienced in the herring fishery in HFA 16G 

·       The location for the scientific equipment must be clean and dry at all times.

·       Fisher must install a DFO transducer in the hull of their fishing vessel prior to installation of the logging system (start of the season) and run the cable to the location where the scientific equipment will be housed.

·       The fishing vessel sounder used by the captain must be of a different frequency than 120 KHz.

·       Fishing vessel must be in good condition; with good 12 Volt electrical system and batteries, and must allow hookup of scientific equipment on his electrical system, as well as a hookup to his GPS navigation system.

·       Fishing vessel must not have or use a generator on board during fishing activities if it interferes with the scientific equipment.

·       Fisher must fill out a logbook.

·       Captain is responsible person to download the acoustic data regularly from the computer on board to a memory stick and download the data to an ftp site for project verification. 

·       Captain must provide proof of insurance for the participating vessel.

·       Captain must obtain worker’s compensation insurance covering all employees engaged in the work (can be purchased solely for the project).

·       A T4A will be issued to the Captain upon completion of the survey samples.

NEW PAYMENT SCHEME FOR CAPTAINS (upon DFO approval) for 2022:

HFA 16G (5): payment per acoustic trip per strata

Allowed up to 5 trips per season

·       Strata 17 (Fishermen’s Bank): $947.00

·       Strata 18 (Fishermen’s Bank): $655.00

·       Strata 19 (North Lake): $292.00


2)    Captain/Vessel for hire – Sample herring using a variable mesh panel testnet in   

Fishermen’s Bank and North Lake

·       Captain must be reliable, experienced, and actively participating in the 2022 herring fishery in HFA 16G in Fishermen’s Bank and/or North Lake

·       Captain will be expected to fish a variable mesh test net (provided to them by DFO) up to 5 times throughout the season and no more than once a week unless instructed otherwise.  The net contains 5 different panels with a different mesh size for each panel.  Fisher must also separate the catch from these 5 panels into different fish pans onboard their vessel and clearly indicate which mesh size corresponds to each fish pan.

·       Fisher must communicate with a hired technician, who will meet the Captain on shore for further data collection of the fish. 

·       Captain must fill out a logbook when he fishes the experimental net with details of the catch by mesh size. 

·       Captain will be issued a section 52 permit to accompany the net and project. 

·       Payment is $780.00 per set (up to 5 sets per season)

·       A T4A will be issued to the Captain upon completion of the samples.

·       Captain must provide proof of insurance for participating vessel.

·       Captain must obtain worker’s compensation insurance covering all employees engaged in the work. 

Deadline to submit your name: August 18th, 2022

Please click here for the registration link.

A draw of qualified Captains will take place following the deadline. 



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