2022 PEI LFA 25 Pre-Season Wide-Scale Enforcement Sweep


 Seeking Captains/Vessels to volunteer with a pre-season fishing gear clean-up in collaboration with the PEI Fishermen’s Association, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Conservation & Protection and LFA 25 PCFA Harbour Representatives.

Please contact your respective LFA 25 Harbour representative if you are interested in participating on August 4th and/or 5th at-sea activities.

The PRE-Season activities include but not limited to the following details:

·      The intent of the PRE-season exercise is to organize a voluntary fishing gear clean-up/gear spotting exercise ahead of the 2022 LFA 25 lobster season.  POST-season clean-up activities are also being planned for October 2022.

·      Captains will be required to sign a waiver with the DFO and provide the following information: Name, Phone number, Harbour, Vessel Name, VRN.

·      At-sea activities are anticipated on August 4th and 5th with the southern half of LFA 25 (Victoria to south of West Point) targeted on one day and northern half (West Point to Skinner’s Pond) on another day. Activities will also be targeted on the LFA 24/25 and LFA 25/26a lines.

·      Captains will be compensated a per diem to assist with covering basic expenses such as fuel

·      Captain must be willing to work closely with DFO Conservation & Protection and PEIFA project staff and PCFA Harbour representatives throughout the 2-day exercise.

·      All activities subject to DFO C&P confirmation.

 Deadline to submit your name to a Harbour rep is 4:30PM Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022

PCFA Harbour Representatives:

Miminegash: Michael Myers

Higgin’s Wharf: Eddie Fitzgerald

Howard’s Cove: Shelton Barlow

Cape Egmont: Gerald Arsenault

Skinner’s Pond: Nigel Buote

Victoria/Borden - James Boulter

West Point: Patrick Sharpe

Tignish – Mark Arsenault

Seacow Pond – Craig Gavin

Summerside: Erica Bradley

Egmont Bay - Paul Gallant



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