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Attention LFA 25 PEI Lobster Fishers- Electronic vote on curfew during first 48 hours of the season - Deadline to vote June 14th!
Attention PEI LFA 25 lobster fishers :
The electronic voting link is open for submitting your vote on the subject of the curfew (4AM-9PM) DURING THE FIRST 48-HOURS of the fishery. To be clear, a curfew currently exists for the full season other than the first 48 hours and last 48 hours of the season.
DEADLINE to vote is Tuesday, June 14th!
Emails were sent to a majority of fall fishers (check your junk/spam folder too), and letters were sent to all PEI LFA 25 lobster license holders advising them how to vote. If you didn’t receive the emailed link, or are unable to vote in that way, please contact the PEIFA office 1-902-566-4050 extension 2 or 3 to vote by phone. Have your lobster license number ready when you vote.