Application Process and DFO Review Guidelines

Requests to Create Sub-LFAs
Requests must be submitted in writing to a DFO Area Office from a recognized fishing organisation. 
Requests should include information about why a sub-LFA should be created. 
The definition of the proposed sub-LFA must be clear and preferably refer to well-known land marks and UTM coordinates. In evaluating the definition of the sub-LFA, DFO will view more favorably if it is based on natural barriers or biological units or historic fishing patterns as these tend to mitigate conflicts and the consequent increased enforcement of “lines”.  Generally, the sub-LFA should be large enough to incorporate a reasonable number of fishers, around 75-100. 
Information about the consultation process and level of support should be provided. Those affected by the creation of the sub-LFA would need to be consulted. Proposals with a high level of support by those who have historically fished in the proposed sub-LFA will be viewed by DFO more favorably than those which have little support. It is not necessary to have the full support of all fishers throughout the whole LFA but proof they have been consulted and the results are required. If Aboriginal organizations would be affected, DFO will be responsible for ensuring they are consulted; however, fishing organisations are encouraged to include them in discussions and in formulating the proposal. 
The proposal should address how reissuance of licences into the sub-LFA and from inside the sub-LFA to outside the sub-LFA are to be handled. If freezes and or restrictions on ports of landing are presently in place within the proposed sub-LFA, the request should provide information about how they will be affected.
Complete proposals need to be received by DFO 90 days prior to the establishment of the sub-LFA. 
Should the sub-LFA be approved, DFO will initiate a regulatory amendment to redefine the LFA. In the interim, licence conditions will be used to implement the sub-LFA. 


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