The PEI Fishermen’s Association (PEIFA) and the Prince County Fishermen’s Association (PCFA) were seeking input on the topic of lobster carapace size in LFA 25 through the mailout questionnaire this past month.  The following were the results of this mailout:  

·      Ballots counted on March 11th, 2022 by 4 scrutineers at the Farm Centre, Charlottetown.

·      152 returned questionnaires out of a total of 213 PEI LFA 25 commercial fall lobster licensed fishers.  This equates to a 71.4% return rate.  


1.    Are you in favor of increasing the minimum lobster carapace size in LFA 25?

·      68 votes (44.7%) voted YES

·      84 votes (55.3%) voted NO

·      0 Spoiled ballots (0%) 

As noted in the questionnaire, The PCFA/PEIFA will move forward with the results of the majority of votes cast by LFA 25 PEI commercial lobster fishers.

If the majority of the results are not in favor, the PCFA will stand by the membership. 

The PEIFA and PCFA would like to thank all lobster fishers for the input.


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