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New Licensing Policy Updates - Gulf Region DFO Commercial Fisheries Policy 2015 updates
The following changes have been updated to the Gulf Region Department of Fisheries & Oceans Commercial FIsheries Licensing Policy. More changes are expected to be updated shortly.
This is
a brief summary of the changes. For more details, please refer to the
link above:
to section 10.4. The new entrant criterion for coastal fisheries is now
the same for Eastern New Brunswick as it was for Gulf Nova Scotia and Prince
Edward Island previously.
to section 10.6. The period of exemption from new entrant criteria upon
relinquishment of Independent Core or Core Category for inshore fisheries has
been changed from 12 months to three years.
to Annex IX, section 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. The freeze zones for lobster in
LFAs 23 and 25 in Eastern New Brunswick will no longer apply to new entrants.
New entrants will only need to be a resident within the applicable LFA.
to section 31.9. Vessel categories no longer apply in the Gulf Nova
Scotia and Eastern New Brunswick Administrative Areas. As a result of the
elimination of vessel categories for these Administrative Areas, the following
policies also were amended as follows:
to section 10.2. This set of new entrant criteria will now also apply to
all inshore fish harvesters in Gulf Nova Scotia and Eastern New Brunswick.
to section 10.3. This section no longer applies in Gulf Nova Scotia and
Eastern New Brunswick
to section 50.3. This change eliminates the requirement for the cubic
measurement of groundfish vessels and allows for the use of primary vessels in
groundfish competitive fishery.
to section 50.4. This change authorizes groundfish ITQ licence holders to
fish with vessels less than 65’ LOA.
- addition of section 27.3 which allows the combining of
lobster licences for eligible fleets in the Gulf Region.
- addition of Annex XII which identifies the fleets eligible
for lobster combining.