The PEI Fishermen’s Association will hold a Registration & Draw for fishers who wish to participate in the Fixed Gear Sentinel Groundfish Survey for 2019.  PEI Independent Core fishers in possession of a valid groundfish license may apply to fish in one of the 5 specific sites proposed for 2019.  Participating fishers must be able to demonstrate experience in the groundfish longline gear fishery.  Fishers who participated in Sentinel Fishery any year from 1996 - 2018 inclusive, are not eligible to register. 

 Registration Dates/Times:    9AM-4:30PM Weds, June 19th & Thursday,  June 20th, 2019

Location:                                Farm Centre, 420 University Avenue, Charlottetown

Fee:                                        $50.00 including HST

Payment Method:                 Cash, Cheque, Credit or Debit Card

How to Register:                   Fishers can register in person, by phone or send a representative with written permission authorizing registration on the fishers’ behalf.  Arrangements can also be made with the buyers/coops with proper authorization. NEW OPTION IN 2019:  FISHERS CAN REGISTER/PAY ONLINE BY CLICKING ON THE LINK AT www.peifa.org

Required Information:         Captain’s name, phone #, FIN #, Groundfish license #, vessel name, VRN#, and requested sentinel site location.

 The Draw will be held June 20th after the completion of the Registration. 

 The project will take place July 4th – October 31st, 2019.  The total number of days fishing will be eight (8).  Fishing must begin in July and 2 trips per month required (July, August, September and October); this is in order to obtain data throughout the season. The maximum number of days that you can fish in one week is two (2).  A minimum of 1250 hooks (size 12 circle - 1 fathom apart) and maximum of 2500 hooks will be used (divided equally between two sites).  All Atlantic Halibut must be returned to the water.  At-Sea-Observers must be on the vessels whenever the gear is fished (fish onboard the vessels).  Observers are not required during the setting of the gear provided that no fish are being brought aboard. Pre-existing sites set out by DFO must be used. 

 New to 2019 Sentinel: 

 For the sentinel trips only, each vessel MAY be required to activate a VMS (Blackbox) system if there is one already onboard or a GPS tracking system provided by the Observer and/or a camera provided by DFO.

  • Dynamic Management Measures will apply so temporary closures due to North Atlantic Right Whale sightings will apply to Sentinel sites as well.  Participating fishers will need to confirm with DFO before each trip that the sentinel sites they are about to fish are not closed and that they can proceed to fish.  Additional management measures may be added to mitigate North Atlantic Right Whale interactions. 

 For more details on survey requirements or registration contact the PEIFA Office at (902) 566-4050.

Click this link to view the  project protocol and requirements:  http://peifa.org/members/docs/2019 SENTINEL GROUNDFISH SURVEY PROTOCOL AND REQUIREMENTS.pdf

Click on this link to view the map of sites: http://peifa.org/members/docs/2019 Sentinel map.png 

Click on this link to view the coordinates and site location names:  http://peifa.org/members/docs/Coordinates and Sites - 2019 Sentinel .png

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