Notice to 4T2b West-Winter Flounder
Access to 4T2b is restricted to ground-fish licenses holders that have no current attachment to the on-going LFA25 lobster fishery.

Attached is a map of the proposed area, and below are the coordinates.

We're working on licence conditions and updated CHP. Everything should be good to go by early next week.

Point Latitude - North Longitude - West
1. 47° 03' 23.410" 63° 59' 40.900"
2. 47° 09' 04.440" 63° 53' 19.300"
3. 46° 56' 31.520" 63° 53' 19.300"
4. 46° 56' 31.520" 63° 59' 20.140"

Best regards,