Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Notice to Fish Harvesters

Vessel Registration Number on Lobster Fishing Buoys

The present Notice is intended to clarify that the marking of buoys in the lobster fishery is a mandatory requirement pursuant to section 27 of the Fishery (General) Regulations.

Fishery Officers enforce numerous regulations on a regular basis in achieving compliance in the lobster fishery and we will continue to focus our efforts and resources on priorities that impact conservation.

DFO intends to enforce the marking of buoys during the 2009 lobster fishing season. However, fishery officers will use broad discretion when enforcing this provision of regulation and allow for a reasonable transition period.

Details on how to mark buoys can be found in the attached extract of the Regulations.

Should you require additional information, please contact your local fishery officer.

Section 27 of the Fishery (General) Regulations

Identification of Fishing Gear

27. (1) Subject to section 28, no person shall set, operate or leave unattended in the water any fishing gear other than mobile gear or handlines unless the gear is marked in accordance with subsections (2) to (6) with

(a) where a vessel registration number is set out in the licence authorizing the use of that gear, the vessel registration number; or

(b) in any other case, the name of the person who owns the gear.

(2) The vessel registration number or name referred to in subsection (1) shall be painted on or otherwise securely affixed to a tag, float or buoy attached to the gear and be legible and readily visible at all times without the necessity of raising the gear from the water or, where the water is ice covered, without the necessity of removing any snow or ice.

(3) The numerals in a vessel registration number referred to in paragraph (1)(a) shall be solid block Arabic numerals

   (a) without ornamentation;

   (b) not less than 75 mm in height; and

   (c) in a colour that contrasts with their background.

(4) The letters forming a name referred to in paragraph (1)(b) shall be solid block capital letters in Roman characters

   (a) without ornamentation;

   (b) not less than 75 mm in height; and

   (c) in a colour that contrasts with their background.

For further information:

James Curwin,

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Conservation and Protection Branch, Gulf Region, Moncton, NB (506)-851-7797



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