The following is an update on the Mackerel fishery after discussions with DFO Resource Management as of October 18th, 2016:


·        A DFO variation order 2016-075 was issued advising that fishing for mackerel in Mackerel Fishing Areas (MFA) 16 (Southern Gulf) is prohibited as of 20:00h on October 14, 2016 to all commercial vessel-based mackerel fisheries. The PEIFA has been advised by DFO that it will not apply to personal bait fisheries for mackerel. Personal bait licenses include gillnet fishing only not handline/strippers.  Fishers are reminded to check herring/mackerel bait license conditions in terms of daily limitations.

·        Anyone with questions on how this applies to the recreational fishery or what they can/can’t fish, gear type, etc are urged to please contact your local Conservation & Protection officer for more information.   

·        The PEIFA has been advised that all other areas/provinces including NFLD, Quebec, NB, NS and PEI are all closed to mobile and fixed gear commercial vessel based mackerel fishing at this time.

·        The PEIFA have been advised the reason for the closure is that the quota is at or near its Canadian allocation limit of 8000T.  DFO has advised that more information on the quota breakdown will be available later this week as fleet numbers are being reviewed.

·        Questions around if the mackerel fishery reopening have not been confirmed as of yet.  We will continue to pursue answers and updates on this important issue. 

·        For more information on mackerel management please contact: Pierre Mallet at 506-851-7792:  e-mail at  or Chris Mills at 902-566-7807: e-mail at>

·        The PEIFA will post any new updates to this file as we receive them.j

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Halibut - Length and Weight
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July 30, 2018
Notice to Fishers - Rock Crab 26A
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July 18, 2018
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July 16, 2018
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July 16, 2018
2018 PEI Halibut Fishery - DFO Notice to Fishers
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