March 20, 2020
NOTICE FROM DFO CHARLOTTETOWN’S BEN MOORE: DFO is open but operating virtually (email, telephone). For requests, business as usual just there will be some delays as we work through this new method of business. For licensing, all licence reissuances have been rescheduled and we are not taking any appointments at this time. For requests and other enquires it will be business as usual but keep in mind there will be some delays. See the following contacts below:
o For Licensing enquiries please call 1-855-634-2355 or email
o For Resource Management enquiries please call 902-566-7844 or 902-315-0284 or by email Ben Moore at
o For Conservation and Protection enquiries please call 902-214-0818 or by email Glen Gillespie at
o For Executive Services enquiries please call 902-566-7810 or 902-629-9782 or email Lori Cuddy at
· CANCELLED - DFO SCALLOP LOGBOOK INFO SESSIONS BY REJEAN HEBERT: Both the Oleary meeting and Farm Centre meeting are cancelled until further notice.
· CANCELLED - DFO PEI EEL ADVISORY CONFERENCE CALL: scheduled for March 20th is – cancelled until further notice due to capacity limits on the DFO conferencing line system