April 27, 2015
Department of Fisheries & Oceans (DFO) hosted a
conference call this afternoon (Mon, April 27th) with the PEI
Fishermen’s Association President, LFA 24 & 26A Lobster Advisory Chairs and
Co-chairs as well as the Mik’maq Confederacy. The purpose of the call was
to discuss current ice conditions across PEI harbours and the opening date of
the 2015 spring lobster fishery.
It was agreed that given current ice/weather conditions across PEI, that another conference call will be held on Thursday afternoon, April 30th with the same participants noted above (DFO, PEIFA Reps and First Nation Groups). It was also agreed given the current outlook, that the earliest the spring lobster fishery could open is Monday, May 4th, 2015. Again, more discussion/decision to be had on the Thursday afternoon call.
Another note, the PEIFA will be holding two separate conference calls with LFA Lobster Advisory Committee Representatives (One for LFA 24 Advisory and one for LFA 26A Advisory) on Thursday morning, ahead of the Thursday afternoon call with DFO. Call detailswill be sent to the Lobster Advisory representatives by tommorow, Tuesday.