Unofficial Draw List 2020 Halibut Reallocation


Unofficial Draw List - 2020 Halibut Reallocation Draw

September 13th, 2020

A decision on a 2020 PEI halibut reallocation fishery will be made early this week by the DFO in consultation with the PEIFA Groundfish Advisory Committee among other important stakeholders.  It is anticipated that more than 10% of the quota remains after the main fishery ended this past weekend and DFO will confirm the amount remaining shortly.  The current plan is to hold a reallocation fishery based on the eligible fishers (those active in the main fishery) on the draw list.  The remaining quota would be redistributed based on the same initial individual catch limit as the main fishery.

In anticipation of a reallocation halibut fishery, below are the first 200 names drawn in the Unofficial 2020 PEI Halibut Reallocation draw.  Thank you to Michelle Burge with MRSB Accounting for her assistance with the drawing of the ballots on Friday, September 11th at the Farm Centre, Charlottetown.  All commercial fishers registered in the main PEI halibut fishery were automatically entered into the draw.

The draw list will be sent to Department of Fisheries & Oceans for verification and checked for eligibility (hail in and hail out in the main fishery).  The number of commercial fishers allowed to participate in the reallocation will be confirmed by DFO early this week now that the main fishery has ended and all the weights have been entered into the DMP/DFO system.  If you would like to know where you placed in the draw, (beyond the first 200 numbers drawn) please contact the PEIFA office at 902-566-4050. 

The number of eligible commercial fishers allowed to fish the reallocation is based on remaining quota minus the eligible commercial communal allotments. The PEIFA will be contacting all eligible commercial fishers who’ve been chosen in the draw once DFO issues the approved/eligible list and number of allotments available for commercial fishers.  These calls are to ensure eligible fishers are wanting to participate.  If the fisher declines, we will proceed to the next on the list.

The dates of the 2020 reallocation halibut fishery will be confirmed by DFO in the coming days after discussion with the Groundfish advisory on Monday. If you have any questions on the reallocation, please contact Ben Moore, DFO Resource Management at 902-370-7094.

Here is the Unofficial draw list for 2020 Halibut reallocation draw – REVISED - the top 250 names drawn are as follows (please note these are subject to DFO verification & reallocation eligibility): 250 2020 Unofficial Halibut Rallocation Fishery Draw List - includes both eligible and not eligible (no effort in the main fishery) .pdf


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