See below from Transport Canada. 



 This is to inform you of some changes that will be made as we move forward with inspection of written procedures onboard domestic vessels, including fishing vessels With recent incidents and recommendations from the Transportation Safety Board (TSB), Transport Canada Marine Safety & Security (TCMSS) has issued a National internal direction, directing Inspectors to ensuring written procedures onboard vessels are available for review, that they are suitable for the intended purpose, and crews are familiar with them.

All domestic vessels, including fishing vessels that require emergency procedures will be required to have them onboard, be available to all crew members and everyone is to be familiarized with them. Failure to do so will result in the following actions being taken;

  • If written safety procedures are not readily available on board,  the Marine Safety Inspector (MSI) must, issue Deficiency Notice and issue Detention Order.
  • If written safety procedures are on board, but are insufficient to address the typical risks found in the type of operations the vessels carry out, the MSI must issue Deficiency Notice with code 16 (Rectify within 30 days
  • If during discussions with the crew about their knowledge understanding vessel’s safety procedures, the MSI is not satisfied that the crew is proficient in carrying out those duties, the MSI must issue Deficiency Notice with code 17 (Rectify deficiency before departure). 
  • If there are no records of safety drills on board, the MSI must issue Deficiency Notice with code 17 (Rectify deficiency before departure).
  • If MSI finds that not all on-board crew member on board at the moment of the inspection, participated in at least two safety drills, MSI must issue Deficiency Notice with code 17 (Rectify deficiency before departure); and proceed with a demonstration of the safety drills, until MSI is satisfied that crew can demonstrate their capability to respond to a potential emergency situation using the safety equipment they have onboard.  Vessel with immersion suit on board will require full donning for all crew to be demonstrated.

 Please advise all of your members, crews, community members and anyone else of this direction so they are aware prior to a planned or unplanned inspection.  A set of procedures is available on the TC website for your review and consideration.  The can be opened in your word processing software and customized to suit the crew and vessel’s needs.


Templates for small fishing vessel procedures (


Scroll to the bottom of the page - Using templates for written procedures

From the table, pick the applicable procedure

Scroll to the bottom of the page – RTF Version

Click the Link - (RFT kb

It will open in your word processor and allow you to make changes to customize and print for use onboard the vessel and when conducting drills.

 Any procedure you require but are not included in the TC examples, can be generated using a similar layout and added to the vessels procedure manual.

Specific questions can be directed to local TC office: 902-566-7987. 

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© Rachel Peters Photography


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September 4, 2018
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VO - HFA 16C&E daily and weekend closures
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