The following notice has been sent to the PEI Fishermen's Association for your info and comment.  


Click the following link to view the full letter from Summerside Port Authority and map of the location to be dredged: LE-29 PEI Fishermans Association Emergency Closure.pdf



Summerside Port Corporation Inc. (SPCI) would like to provide an update and inform you of an active project and additional intended project located within the Summerside Harbour and Bedeque Bay, adjacent to Summerside, Prince Edward Island, for the purpose of a dredging program to maintain the existing navigation channel (the “Project”). This email and attached letter provides a brief description of the Project including Phase 1 and 2, including: a summary of proposed development plans including a figure and the intentions of SPCI. Upon review of this letter, we ask that you please identify any concerns you may have regarding the Project. We are currently in active collaboration with DFO and ECCC regarding the Project.


Planning for the Project, started in 2018 (Phase 1). In 2018 and 2019, SPCI was successful in obtaining an ECCC Disposal at Sea Permit (File: ATL-00047-1: Issued June 10, 2019, Expiry June 10, 2020) and a DFO Fisheries Act Authorization (File:17-HGLF-00309, Issued October 23, 2018, updated May 23, 2019) of Phase 1 of the Project. 


The 2019 dredging program (Phase 1) took place from October 24, 2019 to December 17, 2019. Due to weather and ice conditions, the contractor was not able to remove all the material from the DMMUs, and will be seeking permission to complete the dredging in May/June 2020. The work activities in 2020 will be a continuation of the Project shared in 2018 and 2019. The area to be dredged in 2020 as part of Phase 1 is approximately 9,550 m2 from both the Turning Basin/ Berths (approximately 5,000 m2) and Indian Spit (approximately 4550 m2) DMMUs. The areas still requiring removal are marked on the attached map.  


Phase 2 includes the West Berth, located in the Summerside Harbour adjacent to the SPCI Marine Terminal facilities, in Summerside, PE. As part of Phase 2, there is one DMMU that require dredging (West Berth), as determined by ECCC (Figure 1). Phase 2 will include dredging an approximate area of 14,000 m2. The target dredge elevation is -8.45 m CD with an allowance of 0.3 m of over dredge. The Project will include the removal of approximately 12,000 m3 of sediment material.  Assuming full use of the over dredge allowance, the maximum total volume of material is approximately 16,000 m3. Offshore ocean disposal is being considered for the material dredged and the disposal methods will include the use of disposal location Summerside Scow B (CA-AT-D144) used in Phase 1, following ECCC Disposal at Sea (DAS) Program. The DAS Program was ultimately selected as it demonstrated the least environmental impact with the implementation of mitigation measures; and reduced material handling.


The Project is proposed to occur during the period from May 1 to June 30, 2020 or after October 19, 2020. Phase 2 has been planned as much as possible to occur outside sensitive biological windows and outside of the American lobster, Atlantic rock crab, Atlantic herring, and Atlantic silverside located in the Summerside Harbour and Bedeque Bay, while still allowing Phase 2 to be completed within 2020.  


We are presently working with regulatory agencies to determine if existing permits can be amended for the Phase 1 Program. New applications will be required for all Phase 2 activities. It is anticipated that the Phase 2 applications will be submitted to regulatory agencies in February 2020, where ECCC and DFO will be responsible for assessing the Project and ensuring that it meets the regulatory requirements. SPCI will also be working with DFO regarding the completion and monitoring of approved off-setting and compensation programs.


Stakeholder consultation / engagement activities have been initiated for the Project. Activities include the notification of the project to PEI Aboriginal groups and local PEI fishermen groups. SPCI and CBCL will work with them to address their concern and questions regarding the Project.


SPCI and CBCL hopes this letter provided adequate information to address any questions or concerns.  SPCI would be pleased to provide any additional information associated with the Project or arrange a meeting to address any questions or concerns, at your request. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Sincerely submitted on behalf of                                                                                                                                              

Jody MacLeod, P.Eng                                                                     Arnold Croken

Branch Manager                                                                               CEO

CBCL Limited                                                                                      Summerside Port Corporation Inc.

Direct:  (902) 892-0303, ext 2999                                                Direct:  (902) 432-6530

Email:                                                                   Email:




Melissa Rutherford | Environmental Scientist

901-1505 Barrington Street | PO Box 606 | Halifax, NS B3J 2R7

t. 902-421-7241 x2574 | c. 902-717-8487 |




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