The PEI Fishermen's Association are looking for a HFA 16G herring fisher who will do to the experimental nets portion of this year’s data collection for the Area.  Two fishers, one for North Lake and one for Fishermen’s Bank. 

 Pay is $480.00 per set.  Soak time is 1 hour.  5 panels to the net, each with a different mesh size.  Up to 2 sets per week allowed.  I would need approx. 2 sets in North Lake and 3 in Fishermen’s Bank. 

Please contact Laura Ramsay 393-2281 or Chuck White if you have interest.  


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© Rachel Peters Photography


October 10, 2018
Canadian and Mexican Tuna Tag and Quota - Update
see more

October 10, 2018
Notice - 2018 Rock Crab LFA 25
see more

October 9, 2018
Halibut Reallocation
see more

October 6, 2018
Mackerel Closure
Based on current Atlantic Mackerel landings the commercial season will close at noon on Tues, Oct. 9 see more

October 5, 2018
Variation Order - Herring 16F
see more

October 2, 2018
Notice to Fishers - LFA 25 Lobster
see more

September 27, 2018
Commercial Halibut Reallocation
Opening October 1st to October 6th, 2018 (inclusive) see more

September 25, 2018
Mexican tuna quota Update
DFO announced the release of the Mexican tuna quota to the PEI Fleet today. see more

September 17, 2018
Unofficial Draw List - 2018 Halibut Reallocation Draw
see more

September 6, 2018
Herring Research - Seeking participant to assist with Acoustic sounding grids in North Lake and Fishermens Bank
see more