The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Gulf Region, wishes to advise industry of the 2009 management measures for Scallop Fishing Area (SFA) 22.
The following management measures will be in effect for the 2009 fishing season:
- Fishing Season: Monday, May 4 to June 6, 2009. The fishery will take place from 06:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. daily, and will be closed on Sundays.
- Meat Count: 44 per 500 g of meat.
- Logbook Requirements: Fish harvesters are required to maintain a record of their estimated catches in a logbook prior to entering port. Fish harvesters are required to forward their logbooks to DFO no later than 2 weeks following the closure of the fishing season (i.e. no later than June 19th 2009). Fish harvesters may continue using 2008 logbooks if there are available sheets in them.
- Ring Size: The authorized ring size in the bucket construction is set at 82.6 mm (3 ¼ inches) with the exception of the first row of buckets where 76.2 mm (3 inches) rings may be used.
- Drag Size: maximum width of 4.88 m (16 feet) outside measurements.
- Tow Bar: The tow bar must be raised at least 50.8 mm (2 inches) with the use of runners or wheels that are located at both extremities of the bar and being at least 50.8 mm (2 inches) wide.
- Washers: A maximum of 2 steel washers may be used to join 2 bucket rings together. One rubber washer may be added vertically along with the steel washers to join two bucket rings. The maximum outside diameter of rubber washers must not exceed 50.8 mm (2 inches). Rubber flappers are allowed when only steel washers are used to join the two bucket rings. With the exception of the authorized rubber washers and rubber flappers, no other type of chaffing gear can be used.
- Offloading Requirements: Licence holders are not authorized to land (off-load) any other part of the scallop except for the adductor muscle (no roe or other internal organs of the scallop may be retained).
- Coastal Buffer Zone: The coastal buffer zone for the protection of lobster habitat and the ecosystem continues to be applied by variation order
- Closure West of Confederation Bridge: The closure extending from the Confederation Bridge westward for approximately 16 km is still in effect in 2009 by variation order.
- PECTEN scallop collection and enhancement site: The site remains closed by variation order in 2009 (see Table 1 for coordinates).
Table 1- PECTEN enhancement site 2001-2005
Latitude Longitude
Degree Minute Second Degree Minute Second 46 52 48 64 37 02
46 52 48 64 34 24
46 51 01 64 34 24
46 51 01 64 37 02
Note: When the geographic boundary of an area is expressed in Latitude and Longitude those point references are based on the geodesic systemNorth American Datum 1927 (NAD27).
The closed fishing areas are specified in Gulf Variation Orders 1999-030, 2003-041, 2005-038, and 2004-145.
<<SFA22_notice to fish harvesters 2009.pdf>>