Responding to the FRCC Report
Meeting November 27, 2008
Short Term Biological Goal (2009 - 2011)
Set minimum carapace size for lobster based on allowing 50% of mature females to be protected from fishery
. minimum carapace size of 72mm in LFAs 23, 24, 25, 26A and 75mm in 26B by 2011
. minimum carapace size increase of 1mm
. appropriate size escape mechanism by 2011
Long Term Goal (2009 - 2018)
Reduce exploitation rate by10% by 2018
Increase productivity
Strengthen stewardship of the resource

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© Rachel Peters Photography


June 13, 2019
2019 Notice to Fishers - Rock Crab LFA 25 Management Plan
see more

June 13, 2019
2019 Notice to Fish Harvesters - Atlantic Halibut Management Plan and TAC announcement
see more

May 31, 2019
Scallop SFA 22 Project - Captain/Crew/Vessel for hire
see more

May 23, 2019
DFO Notice to Fishers - 2019 LFA 26A1 A3 Lobster Season Close date July 3rd
see more

May 23, 2019
DFO Notice - 2019 Mackerel Management
see more

May 23, 2019
DFO Soft Shell Snow Crab Closure effective May 23 2019
see more

May 21, 2019
Advance Notice of Fisheries Closures (Presence of NARW)
May 24, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. see more

May 20, 2019
Advance Notice of Fisheries Closures (Presence of NARW)
closed on May 24, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. see more

May 18, 2019
Advance Notice of Fisheries Closures (Presence of NARW)
see more

May 10, 2019
DFO Variation Order - closure to spring herring fishery in HFA 16B and C and E - May 11
see more