Fisheries and Oceans Canada

EKME 2608173 June 22, 2012


Moncton—As was mentioned in the notice to fish harvester sent on April 24, 2012, work has been completed on biodegradable panels. Modified biodegradable panels will become mandatory in 2013 for all Lobster Fishing Areas in the Southern Gulf of St-Lawrence. Here are the Department’s requirements:

• 100% natural untreated cotton not greater than 2.5 mm in diameter;

The attached document contains examples on the placement of the panel on the traps, other methods are possible, please refer to the text below that will be incorporated in the Conditions of Licence starting in 2013 for more information.

1.2 (no modifications to existing clause, please refer to 2012 Conditions of Licence for wording)

1.3 No person shall fish with or have on board a vessel a lobster trap unless the lobster trap has on the exterior wall of each parlour a biodegradable panel that provides when removed, an unobstructed opening not less than 89 mm in height and 148 mm in width and that is fastened:

(a) On a wire trap, at a maximum of four points or fastened to an extremity of the mesh opening, interlaced once through each mesh and fastened to the other extremity with 100% natural untreated cotton not greater than 2.5 mm in diameter;

(b) On a wooden trap, on an exterior wall fastened to an extremity of the mesh opening, interlaced once through each mesh and fastened to the other extremity with 100% natural untreated cotton not greater than 2.5 mm in diameter.

1.4 Where on wire or wooden traps, the escape panel described in 1.2 also serves as the biodegradable panel described in 1.3, the panel shall be attached to either the outside or inside of an exterior wall of each parlour and it shall be fastened at a maximum of four points with 100% natural untreated cotton not greater than 2.5 mm in diameter; the escape panel shall not be hinged at any points of contact.

For information:

Michel Albert
Chief, Resource Management, Eastern NB
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Tracadie-Sheila, NB

Colin MacIsaac
Chief, Resource Management,, PEI
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Charlottetown, PEI  902-566-7815

Leroy MacEachern
Chief, Resource Management,, Gulf NS
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Antigonish, NS

OPTION A Wooden trap: The biodegradable panel is placed in each single parlour and is independent from the escape mechanism.


OPTION B Wooden trap: The biodegradable panel and the escape mechanism are combined. The escape mechanism with no hinges is attached with 100% natural untreated cotton twine.


OPTION A Wire trap: The biodegradable panel is placed in each single parlour and is independent from the escape mechanism.


OPTION B Wire trap: The biodegradable panel and the escape mechanism are combined. The escape mechanism with no hinges is attached with 100% natural untreated cotton twine.


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