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LOBSTER MANAGEMENT CHANGES IN LOBSTER FISHING AREA 24 Charlottetown, PE – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) announces the following Lobster Management Changes for 2019 in Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 24:

  • All female lobster of a length of 115 millimetres (mm) but not more than 129 mm, shall be returned to the water immediately in a manner that causes it the least harm. 
  • Mandatory use of two escape panels per parlour. No person shall fish with or have on board a vessel a lobster trap unless that lobster trap has two unobstructed rectangular openings of a height not less than 42 mm and a width of not less than 127mm or two unobstructed rectangular openings of a height of not less than 41 mm and a width equal or greater than 254 mm in each parlour. One of the rectangular openings in each parlour referred to above, must be located in the exterior wall of the parlour and not more than 76 mm from the floor of the trap.

The opening date of the fishery and further details on the other management issues will be issued at a later date.

For more information, please contact:

Ben Moore

A/Chief Resource Management Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Charlottetown, PEI


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