Notice to Fish Harvesters 



 Moncton, NB – August 2, 2024 – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) – Gulf Region is providing a clarification to the new management measure announced in the Notice to Fish Harvesters dated July 31st 2024. 


Please note that the curfew remains in effect during the fishing season, which prohibits lobster fishing in LFA 25 between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m., except for the last 48 hours of the season. To comply with the curfew, the prohibition on fishing on the first day of opening will be in force until 04:00 the day after season opening, which means that the licence holders will be able to fish their traps from 04:00 onward the day after opening. 

The licence conditions are available via the National Online Licensing System. 

FOR INFORMATION: Rachel Friolet 

Resource Management, Eastern NB 

Fisheries and Oceans Canada 

Tracadie, NB 

(506) 395-7705 

Ben Moore 

Resource Management, PEI 

Fisheries and Oceans Canada 

Charlottetown, PEI 

(902) 315-0284 

Alan Dwyer 

Resource Management, Gulf NS 

Fisheries and Oceans Canada 

Antigonish, NS 

(902) 318-1460 

Mathieu Vienneau 

Resource Management, Gulf Region 

Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Gulf Region 

Moncton, NB 

(506) 875-5283 

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© Rachel Peters Photography


July 30, 2018
Notice to Fishers - Rock Crab 26A
see more

July 30, 2018
Notice to Fishers - Redfish Closure
see more

July 30, 2018
Notice to Fishers - Lobster LFA 25
see more

July 30, 2018
New Grids Closed due to presence of NARW in the Gulf
Grid GV36 will close on July 30th at 6:00pm see more

July 23, 2018
2018 PEI Commerical Tuna fishery
Notice to fishers for opening date and management changes in 2018 see more

July 19, 2018
PEI - Canadian Tuna Draw List
see more

July 18, 2018
New Grids Closed due to presence of NARW in the Gulf
Closure to take place as of July 20th. see more

July 16, 2018
New Grids Closed due to presence of NARW in the Gulf-July 17th
New closure will be in place as of July 17th. Please see notice for more details. see more

July 16, 2018
2018 PEI Halibut Fishery - DFO Notice to Fishers
see more

July 16, 2018
2018 PEI Halibut CHP Management Plan
see more