This is a note to inform you that the Violet tunicate has been found and confirmed in an area to the North of Alberton Habour and to the west of Sandy Island. There are several oyster leases in the area. Please see the attached map with the current extent of the tunicate positive area between the northern and southern most green dots.

A complete survey of the area is expected to be completed soon and a meeting with leaseholders in the general area will be held in the very near future to gather input to the size of the restricted area that will be put in place.
In the meantime, if you are moving shellfish out of this specific area to an aquaculture lease, to be resoaked or to a processing plant where wash/processing water leaves the plant, an Introductions and Transfers Permit is required where the receiving water does not have the violet tunicate. There is a simple treatment required to reduce the risk of spreading the tunicate to new areas.
Please contact Chris Mills ( or Lisa Hughes ( for an I&T permit form or if you have questions around the process.