Notice from Advisory to 16G Herring fishermen

    Following a conference call of the PEIFA’s 16G Small Pelagic Advisory Committee, the group would like to confirm to fishers that the management measures voted on at the April, 2010 General 16G meeting will stand for the 2010 fall herring fishery. The committee would like to advise all licensed herring fishers of the intention of the group to inform and discuss management details for the 2011 fishing season.
    The Advisory Committee has decided to observe the landings & activities of the 2010 season and will be meeting shortly after its completion to begin discussions in preparation for the 2011 fishery.
A general meeting for all 16G herring fishermen will now be held on the first Thursday of November each year (November 4th, 2010). This meeting will be to inform fishers on upcoming quality and Transport Canada issues, as well as planning for the Gulf Small Pelagic Meeting in Moncton in December. Planning management details for the 2011 16G herring fishing season will also be a priority at the November meeting. More details on this meeting will be advertised as well as featured on the PEIFA website (
     If you have comments/opinions on the 2010 season please be prepared to attend the general meeting and feel free to contact your local Advisory Committee representative:
Terry Carter           687-3147     Allan MacQuarrie       658-2034
Richard White        962-4137     Mike McGeoghegan   659-2264
Darrell Lesperance 687-2530     Fred Pigott                 676-2987
Chuck White          962-4215     Jaimy Bruce (Alt)       357-2332
Phillip MacLeod     962-3873      Peter MacPhee (Alt)  687-1990