50 Brown Avenue
Dartmouth, NS
B3B 1X8
May 12th , 2008
RE: Herring Buyer Responsibilities under the Weights and Measures Act
Dear Sir / Madam:
Further to discussions held with various stakeholders of the herring industry over the past few months, please find attached an information bulletin which provides insight into correct weighing practices for the accurate measurement of herring and explains the responsibilities of herring buyers under the Weights and Measures Act.
This information is being distributed to licensed herring buyers and other stakeholders in the herring industry.
A guide for scale owners about their responsibilities and recommended practices to ensure accurate measurement has also been published on Measurement Canada’s web site at mc.ic.gc.ca.
If you would like this information in a paper copy or have other questions, please
contact your local Measurement Canada office at (902) 426-3831.
Doug Rideout
District Manager
Measurement Canada