Notice to Fish Harvesters

Gulf Region


Moncton, NB July 9th, 2020 Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is announcing that the lobster fishery in LFA 25 will open at 06:00 a.m. on Monday August 10, 2020, subject to weather conditions. The last day of fishing will be October 11, 2020.

DFO wishes to remind fish harvesters to take extra care when navigating on the opening day of the lobster fishery as vessels are loaded with gear and traps. Harvesters are encouraged to act diligently in setting their traps and should ensure that vessels are loaded safely by reducing the quantity of gear if necessary.

Furthermore, it is reminded that, during the period where fishing is authorized, it is the responsibility of the licence holder to take into account the marine safety notices issued, among others, by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Transport Canada, as well as the standards and best practices in marine safety, and to take all measures to ensure a safe fishery.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - Information for industry

Canadian fisheries and aquaculture sectors provide the world with sustainably-sourced, high quality, high value, fish and seafood.

Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard is committed to supporting our fisheries and aquaculture industry during these difficult times. The Government of Canada is taking the necessary steps to ensure that you can continue to operate safely and effectively and we will continue to keep you informed of the latest developments.

Visit our website to find out more: MORE INFORMATION:

Ben Moore
Resource Management, PEI Fisheries and Oceans Canada Charlottetown, PEI

(902) 370-7094

Alan Dwyer
Resource Management, Gulf NS Fisheries and Oceans Canada Antigonish, NS

(902) 735-7114 Alan.Dwyer@dfo-mpo.gc.caJosiane Massiéra

Resource Management, Gulf Region Fisheries and Oceans Canada Moncton, NB
(506) 851-7290

EKME : 4158118 (EN) EKME : 4158120 (FR)

Sandra Comeau
Resource Management, Eastern NB Fisheries and Oceans Canada Tracadie, NB

(506) 395-7765

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October 10, 2018
Canadian and Mexican Tuna Tag and Quota - Update
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October 10, 2018
Notice - 2018 Rock Crab LFA 25
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October 9, 2018
Halibut Reallocation
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October 6, 2018
Mackerel Closure
Based on current Atlantic Mackerel landings the commercial season will close at noon on Tues, Oct. 9 see more

October 5, 2018
Variation Order - Herring 16F
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October 2, 2018
Notice to Fishers - LFA 25 Lobster
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September 27, 2018
Commercial Halibut Reallocation
Opening October 1st to October 6th, 2018 (inclusive) see more

September 25, 2018
Mexican tuna quota Update
DFO announced the release of the Mexican tuna quota to the PEI Fleet today. see more

September 17, 2018
Unofficial Draw List - 2018 Halibut Reallocation Draw
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September 6, 2018
Herring Research - Seeking participant to assist with Acoustic sounding grids in North Lake and Fishermens Bank
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