Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.E.I. Area Conservation and Protection

Reminder to Fishers

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Conservation and Protection would like to remind all lobster fishers in lobster fishing areas 24, 25 and 26a of the following license condition;

All lobster shall be measured immediately after removal from the trap. If the length of the lobster is less than the minimum length specified by the regulations for the lobster fishing area authorized by this licence or it is a female lobster of a length (LFA 24- 115mm or greater, LFA 25- 115mm or greater, LFA 26a- 115mm but not more than 129mm), it shall be returned to the water immediately in a manner that causes it the least harm.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans is committed to the sustainability of all fisheries including the lobster fishery and will be strictly enforcing the condition to return all undersize lobster, female lobster with eggs attached and window lobster to the water immediately after removal from the trap. For any questions involving this or any other license condition please contact your local fishery officer.
PEI Conservation and Protection Offices:

Alberton -902-853-2297
Summerside – 902-888-4001
Charlottetown- 902-566-7775
Souris- 902-687-2019

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© Rachel Peters Photography


April 27, 2015
Update - April 27 2015 - Spring Lobster Season Opening
see more

April 27, 2015
SFA 22 Scallop Fishery - Conference call to discuss Opening of 2015 Season
see more

April 24, 2015
DFO Notice - Spring Lobster Fishery - Delay
DFO Notice to Fish Harvesters - April 23, 2015 see more

April 23, 2015
Notice to Fish Harvesters - Snow Crab
see more

April 22, 2015
Spring Herring HFA 16C&E Delay
Spring Herring fishery in HFA 16C&E is postponed due to ice conditions. see more

April 22, 2015
Discussions - Opening date - PEI Spring Lobster Fishery 2015
Proceedings for upcoming discussion on opening date for spring lobster fishery on PEI for 2015: see more

April 17, 2015
Variation Order - Minimum Length - Lobster
see more

March 27, 2015
Variation Order - Shrimp
see more

February 4, 2015
Lobster Symposium 2015
see more

December 11, 2014
see more