To view the full AMAC DFO Notice on the 2019 Mackerel Management Plan click the following link: Notice_CCMA Avis Mackerel may 2019.PDF



The Minister has set the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for the Atlantic Mackerel fishery for 2019. The 2019 TAC for the commercial catch is set at 8,000 tonnes under a one-year management plan. Please be advised that the department will implement new gear restrictions and reporting requirements to improve monitoring of landings in the commercial and bait mackerel fisheries for some fleets in Atlantic Canada and Quebec. The minimum fish size for commercial mackerel retention will increase from 263 to 268mm as determined by the new stock assessment. The temporary freeze on the issuance of new commercial mackerel licences for fixed and mobile gear effective July 27, 2017 will continue. This includes the addition of new gear types to existing commercial licences. 

Brian Lester, Chair, Atlantic Mackerel Advisory Committee 

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