The Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association has been advised by Department of Fisheries and Oceans of the following proposed fisheries closures. No  Notice to fishers has been released at this time and the following details were communicated verbally. Notices, Variations Orders and maps are expected by Monday July 24th.

 Rock Crab Area 25 – Closure of a strip along the border between areas 23 and 25. Closure on July 25th at 00:01 am with a current plan to reopen the area on July 29th.

Rock Crab Area 24  - this entire area will be closed with the exception of a portion within the 20 fathom line or less. Closure on July 25that 00:01 am with a current plan to reopen the area on July 29th.

Toad Crab – the entire toad crab fisheryy will be closed on July 25that 00:01 and it is not expected to reopen until late August.

 We hope to have more details from DFO on Monday

There were no consultations with the PEIFA on the closures of these fisheries. These decisions were made by DFO and communicated to the PEIFA. Due to the extremely short notice the Fishermen’s Association wanted to ensure it’s membership was as up to date as possible on the information.”

 Click here to view Notice

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April 27, 2015
Update - April 27 2015 - Spring Lobster Season Opening
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April 27, 2015
SFA 22 Scallop Fishery - Conference call to discuss Opening of 2015 Season
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April 24, 2015
DFO Notice - Spring Lobster Fishery - Delay
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April 23, 2015
Notice to Fish Harvesters - Snow Crab
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April 22, 2015
Spring Herring HFA 16C&E Delay
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April 22, 2015
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April 17, 2015
Variation Order - Minimum Length - Lobster
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March 27, 2015
Variation Order - Shrimp
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February 4, 2015
Lobster Symposium 2015
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December 11, 2014
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