Tuna Questionnaire - Deadline April 26th, 2024
Reminder to PEI Tuna license holders: Deadline to submit mailed out questionnaires is FRIDAY, APRIL 26TH, 2024. Questionnaires can be mailed to the PEIFA office, dropped off or faxed in as noted on the questionnaire. Please contact the PEIFA office at 902- 566-4050 if you are a PEI tuna license holder and have not received one.

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© Rachel Peters Photography


September 5, 2018
Bluefin Tuna CHP
see more

September 4, 2018
CHP and Notice to Fishers - HFA 16F
see more

August 21, 2018
VO - HFA 16C&E daily and weekend closures
Variation Order for daily and weekend closures in HFA 16 C&E see more

August 16, 2018
Notice and Management Measures - Herring 16CE
see more

August 8, 2018
Notice to Fishers - Eel
see more

August 8, 2018
Notice to Fishers - Reopening of Grids in the Gulf (LFA 25)
Grid HD36 will open at 5pm today see more

August 7, 2018
New Grids Closed due to presence of NARW in the Gulf
New Closure starts on August 7th at 5pm see more

August 7, 2018
LFA 25 Opening
Season opening as scheduled see more

August 1, 2018
Update - Mexican Tuna Quota
see more

July 31, 2018
Tuna Tagging 2018
see more