Fisheries & Oceans
Notice to Fish Harvesters
June 30, 2009
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Gulf Region, wishes to advise industry once again this year that it will be accepting applications from fish harvesters who wish to participate in the scallop diving test fishery.
Proponents who wish to participate in this test fishery are requested to complete the attached application. All applications must be submitted to the department and will be evaluated individually.
Please note that only applications from existing commercial scallop licence holders will be considered for this test fishery from July 6, 2009 to August 28, 2009. In addition, the following will apply:
  • a meat count equivalent to those currently in effect per specific Scallop Fishing Area (SFA), which means that scallops must be shucked at sea (meat-only fishery);
  • a mandatory diving fishery logbook must be kept;
  • participants cannot partake in ‘diving’ and ‘mobile gear’ fishing activities on the same day;
  • Applications must include the names of all persons who are to be authorized to carry out activities under the authority of the licence (ex. Captain, dive team members, etc.).
  • Test fishery participants will be restricted to fish in the coastal buffer zones within their respective SFA’s, as identified on their current commercial licence. Existing closures for enhancement projects or research purposes will remain closed to all scallop fisheries;
  • Additional measures may apply.
The issuance of conditions for this scallop dive test fishery by DFO does not relieve licence holders of their legal obligations to comply with any applicable federal or provincial law, such as occupational health and safety legislation, commercial diving regulations, and/or the Canadian Standards Association's Occupational Safety Code for Diving Operations (Z275.2).
The CSA’s Occupational Safety Code for Diving Operations (Z275.2-04), includes, but is not limited to:
§        a dive team must consist of a minimum of 3 members as follows:
o       1 diving supervisor who also acts as a diver’s tender;
o       2 divers.
As per item 14 (1) in the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, no person shall fish for any species unless he holds a fisher’s registration card; therefore, please be advised that all scallop divers that will conduct any fishing activity under your licence must hold a fisher’s registration card.

It should be understood that this process will not result in the issuance of any new commercial licences. The basis of this test fishery is to evaluate the feasibility of diving as a means to harvest scallops commercially and to share the results with industry. Discussions on the viability of this fishery, based on results of the test fisheries of the past few years, will take place during the advisory committee meetings in the winter of 2010 and a decision will then be made on the future of this fishery in the Gulf Region.
Paul Boyd
Resource Management
Antigonish, N.S.
(902) 863-5670 x.2231
Glen J. Ferguson
Resource Management
Tracadie-Sheila, N.B.
(506) 395-7740
Isabelle Frenette
Resource Management
Moncton, N.B.
(506) 851-4422
Colin MacIsaac
Resource Management
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
(902) 566-7815