Notice to PEI Bluefin Tuna License Holders

The Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO) has announced the details of the 2021 commercial PEI Bluefin tuna fishery.

New in 2021:  There will be an annual registration for the PEI tuna fishery administered by the PEIFA at a cost of $250/fisher.  This fee would cover the cost of the Mexican quota and begin a rationalization fund to permanently retire/relinquish PEI tuna licenses.  The Mexican draw list would no longer be required as all quota would move under the Canadian rotational draw list with the overall goal of reaching at least 2 tags per license holder given sufficient quota remains (i.e., the Mexican and PEI quota).  On a year where there is no Mexican quota transfer, rationalization would take priority.  For 2021, a deadline for registration of July 30th would be implemented for payment and registration.  Fishers would need to pay the registration fee by the deadline in order to participate in the fishery for 2021.  No late registrations would be accepted by DFO, similar to the PEI halibut fishery registration thus would not receive a tuna tag from DFO until the registration is paid.  The tags remaining from those fishers choosing not to registered would be redistributed to the next tuna fisher(s) on the Canadian draw list. 


Commercial Tuna Fishers are required to register for the 2021 PEI Commercial tuna fishery with the PEIFA during the online registration period in order to participate in the 2021 PEI tuna fishery.



Registration Dates:           From Friday, July 9th until Friday, July 30th, 2021


Fee:                                        $250.00 including HST. 


Payment Method:              Online payment with credit card (Visa or Mastercard).  Contact            

                                           the PEIFA Office if you require another method for payment. 


How to Register:           Fishers can register online or by phone.  Clicking on 'registrations and renewals' and then  'Tuna Registration’ link at the website will allow for registration followed by payment. 


Required Information:      Fisher’s name (and company name if applicable), phone #, FIN #, homeport, vessel name, VRN#, tuna license #.  



Registrations after Friday, July 30th, 2021 will NOT be accepted 


There will be NO REFUNDS on Registration Fees


The list of registered fishers will be submitted to DFO and DFO will only distribute tags to tuna fishers who have officially registered during the timeframe.


For further information on the registration contact the PEIFA at 902-566-4050. 


A copy of the 2021 PEI Bluefin Tuna Conservation Harvesting Plan and the 2021 DFO Notice to Fish Harvesters will be posted on the website at asap.


 For information on the management plan, contact Ben Moore, DFO Chief Resource Manager at .

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