Fisheries and Oceans Canada 

 Notice to Fish Harvesters 

July 23, 2018 

EKME # 3939044 

2018 Prince Edward Island Bluefin Tuna Season 

Charlottetown, PE – July 23, 2018 - Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) today announces that fishing will be authorized for the 2018 Prince Edward Island (PEI) Bluefin Tuna season. 

SEASON DATES: In 2018, the commercial fishery will open on July 25, 2018 and end on December 31, 2018 or until the quota nears 0mt. The Catch and Release Fishery opened on July 16, 2018. 


New for 2018: 

 All eligible tags will be issued on July 24, 2018. 

 Partnerships will be valid for the whole season, unless DFO is notified otherwise. 

 Two fish are allowed to be caught on the same calendar day, per vessel, per trip or on separate trips. Once the second fish has been caught on the same calendar day, the fish must be offloaded and fishing must cease until the next calendar day. If two fish are caught during the same fishing trip, both fish must be offloaded and fishing must cease until the next calendar day. A day is defined as a 24 hour period, commencing at 00:01 hours. 

 The Prince Edward Island Bluefin Tuna fleet will have access to a portion of quota transferred from Mexico to Canada. Tags will be valid for the whole fishing season. 

 Fishers should note that having a Bluefin Tuna tag in your possession allows access to fish but does not guarantee your quota. 

Marine mammal interaction reporting 

In order to comply with the implementation of the US Marine Mammals Protection Act (MMPA) regulations, licence holders must now provide information regarding all interactions with a marine mammal including: bycatch, collisions and all sightings of entangled marine mammals that occur during fishing expeditions. 

A Marine Mammal Interaction Form (included with licence conditions) must be completed and submitted by email to within 48 hours after the end of a fishing trip. 

The information provided on the form will be used by DFO to estimate the levels of accidental mortality and injury to marine mammals. This information will allow DFO to better assess the types of threats that may affect Canada’s marine mammals and to develop mitigation strategies. 

Requirement to report sightings of live whales 

Sightings of live, free-swimming whales must be reported to DFO by telephone: 1-844-800-8568, or by email: 

- 2 – 

All other management measures are similar to 2017, including the use of Electronic Monitoring Systems (cameras) in both the commercial and the catch and release fisheries. 

TAG AVAILABILITY: Bluefin Tuna tags and temporary dart tags will be available at the DFO PEI Area Office on Tuesdays to Thursdays. There will be a maximum of one dart to every Bluefin Tuna tag. Temporary dart tags will be free of charge, compliments of, The Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association. 

For more information contact: Ben Moore 

A/Chief Resource Management 

PEI Area Office, Gulf Region 

Fisheries and Oceans Canada 

Charlottetown, P.E.I. 



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