Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Gulf, Quebec, Maritimes, Newfoundland & Labrador Regions
Notice to Fish Harvesters

Corner Brook, Dartmouth, Moncton, Québec City – June 10, 2011 - The Department of Fisheries
and Oceans (DFO) today announced the total allowable catches (TACs) levels for northern Gulf
of St. Lawrence (4RS3Pn) and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (4TVn) cod as well as an increase to the Gulf of St. Lawrence (4RST) Atlantic Halibut quota.
For northern Gulf (NAFO Divisions 4RS3Pn), there continues to be serious concerns with the health
of the cod stock. The most recent assessment of this stock indicates that recent harvest levels are
unsustainable and have not allowed for stock rebuilding. The abundance of the spawning stock is well below the limit reference point, and deemed within the critical area. A stock in this area is considered to be heavily depleted. Because of these concerns, the TAC has been set at 2,000 t for the 2011 season.
As was the case in 2010, there will be no directed commercial fishery for southern Gulf cod
(NAFO Divisions 4TVn) in 2011. A 300 t Total Allowable Catch (TAC) has been set to cover
scientific and sentinel surveys, negotiated aboriginal food, social and ceremonial agreements, and a
limited recreational fishery. This will also include quota to ensure by-catch provisions for non-Cod
directed groundfish fisheries.
The Department will be engaging provinces and industry on a strategy and action plan for proof of
concept options for reducing grey seal cod predation in the Gulf.
For both cod stocks, the Department will undertake consultations with industry over the coming year
to establish a rebuilding plan for these stocks which will include harvest decision rules to inform
future decisions on harvest levels for these stocks.
For 4RST Atlantic Halibut, the TAC will be increased from the previously announced 680 t to 720 t
for this year’s fishery. For 2011 only, this additional 40 t increase in Atlantic Halibut will be shared
among the eight eligible fixed gear fleets based on geographical fleet shares. As previously announced
the Department will undertake a review of the inshore fixed gear geographical shares for Atlantic
Halibut in advance of the 2012 season.
For more information, please contact:
Luc Légère
Senior Advisor, Groundfish
Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Moncton, NB
(506) 851-2382
Dario Lemelin
Senior Advisor, Groundfish
Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Québec, QC
(418) 648-4946
Donald Ball
Area Manager, Resources Management
Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Corner Brook, NL
(709) 637-4310
Verna Docherty
Senior Advisor, Groundfish
Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Halifax, NS
(902) 426-4669