Fisheries and Oceans Canada April 12, 2010
Notice to Fish Harvesters
MONCTON – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has announced the 2010-2011 spring and fall Total Allowable Catch (TAC) and the Harvesting Plan for the spring inshore herring fishery in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The decision on the TAC levels is based on the results of the Regional Advisory Process held by DFO Science on March 9-10, 2010, as well as on consultations with industry representatives following this meeting.
For the spring fishery, according to abundance indicators, the current adult biomass is estimated at 28,100 t, above the limit reference point (LRP) of 22,000 t, but below the upper stock reference (USR) of 54,000 t. When the spawning stock biomass is below the USR, a harvesting strategy compliant with the precautionary approach would reduce the exploitation rate to promote stock growth to above the USR. DFO has set the 2010 and 2011 spring TAC at 2,000 tonnes. This decision takes into account advice from industry to maintain a minimal catch level, while continuing to ensure stock rebuilding. This catch scenario represents a 62% probability of a 5% increase in biomass for the spring spawning component at the end of 2011. This TAC is accompanied with a harvesting strategy and management measures aimed at maintaining catches below 2,000 t to promote rebuilding, as well as measures to protect spawning in many areas of the southern Gulf.
The Department also wishes to inform industry that the bait fishery will continue to be the priority market for the 2010-2011 spring fisheries. As such, if fishing activities are directed on other markets, further management actions could be taken in order to reduce these activities. DFO is very preoccupied with the status of the spring spawning component, and will continue efforts with industry to rebuild the spring herring component.
For the fall herring fishery, given that the abundance indicators show that the biomass appears stable and at a high level, the TAC will remain at 65,000 t for 2010 and 2011, the same level as 2009.
Monitoring of bait landings will continue in 2010-2011. Licence holders who wish to fish under the authority of a bait licence will have to request conditions of licence from the local licensing service center. As detailed in the conditions of licence, bait licence holders will be required to maintain a log of catches and report these catches. The failure to submit logs for licence holders who request conditions may disqualify the licence holder from obtaining a herring/mackerel bait licence in thenext fishing season. Spawning beds which are closed to commercial fishing will also be closed by licence condition to bait fishing. The small fish protocol applicable to the purse seine fishery will be reviewed by an industry working
The sharing of the quota remains unchanged for 2010-2011: 76.83% for the inshore fleet and 23.17% for large seiners.

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