Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has released the details of the 2009 southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab Management Plan.  Following consultations with industry stakeholders, the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) is set at 20,900 tonnes which represents an exploitation rate of 47% of the estimated commercial biomass. Harvesters have stated that they are prepared to assume the risk associated with this TAC level and that an adjustment will be made next year if required.
TAC distribution* (metric tons)
·        The quota for First Nations is 3,306 t (15.816%) and distributed as follows:
    • New Brunswick (NB): 1,818 t (8.7%)
    • Quebec (QC): 1,304 t (6.239%)
    • Prince Edward Island (PE): 183 (0.877%)
  • The quota for the traditional fleets is 14,459 t (69.184%) and distributed as follows:
    • New Brunswick : 8,236 t (39.408%)
    • Quebec : 4,424 t (21.169%)
    • Nova Scotia : 244 t (1.169%)
    • Prince Edward Island : 718 t (3.436%) 
    • Harvesters from Crab Fishing Area 18 (CFA 18): 836 t (4.002%)
  • The quota for new access is 3,135 t (15%) and distributed as follows:
Distribution of 3,135 t (15%) for New Access
1,490 t (7.129%) distributed as follows :
1,288 t (6.161%)
7 midshore ITQ groundfish harvesters
149 t (0.713%)
5 competitive groundfish specialists
53 t (0.255%)
1,011 t (4.837%)details as to distribution of quota will be provided by Quebec Region.
191 t (0.913%) details as to distribution of quota will be provided by Gulf Region.
444 t (2.122%) distributed as follows :
390 t (1.867%)
PEI Groundfishermen’s Association
53 t (0.255%)
*numbers are rounded                                                                                                              .../2

2009 Management measures
The following management measures are introduced:
·        As in 2008, all landings must be weighed in kilograms on an electronic scale with a memory and to the nearest decimal.
·        At sea observer coverage will remain at 25% but the existing soft-shell crab protocol is amended whereby information will be needed from two vessels and five traps. This approach will be reviewed prior to the 2010 fishing season. 
All other management measures from 2008 are rolled over in 2009 which include amongst others:
·        100% dockside monitoring (catch monitoring).
·        The use of a vessel monitoring system (VMS).
·        Maximum mesh size of 75 mm.
  • Authorized release of commercial-sized male crab with small claws back in the water.
·        A delayed season opening to June 1 applies to an area in CFA 12 for one nautical mile bordering on CFA 19. 
·        The Irving Whale Exclusion Zone is maintained.
·        For proper management and control purposes, the targeted total number of vessels for all fleets on the water at any time is 150 for the Gulf Region and 75 for the Quebec Region. DFO will work with organizations representing non-traditional harvesters to ensure that the number of vessels authorized to fish for the new access fleets at the same time as other fleets is minimized.
·        For proper management and control purposes, traps will be issued on the same basis as in the past:
o       150 for mid-shore vessels
o       75 for the traditional inshore Prince Edward Island fleet
o       75 for Crab Fishing Area 18
o       New access and First Nations: those receiving quotas of up to 50 t will be entitled to 75 traps, while fishers receiving over 50 t will be able to use 150 traps.
·        The opening date for the fishery is May 1 at 18:00 Atlantic Daylight Time weather permitting and subject to DFO operational requirements. 
·        The fishery will close on July 19; all gear must be removed from the water by the end of the day July 18. Extensions to the fishing season will not be considered.
The Department will continue to work towards implementing the precautionary approach in all Southern Gulf crab fishing areas; consultations and further discussions are expected during 2009 with industry stakeholders.
For information:
Monique Baker
Resource Management
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Moncton, NB
(506) 851-6234
Bernard Morin
Resource Management
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Quebec, QC
(418) 648-5891

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