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2009 Gulf of St. Lawrence Fisheries Management Decisions
June 16, 2009
On June 16, 2009, the Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, announced a number management decisions affecting the following fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence:
Northern Gulf cod (3Pn4RS)
The 2009 Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for northern Gulf cod will remain at 7,000t. This decision took into account scientific information and input from the fishing industry.
Southern Gulf cod (4TVn)
There will be no directed commercial fishery for southern Gulf cod (4TVn) in 2009. A TAC of 300t has been set for by-catch, Aboriginal and recreational fisheries and scientific surveys. The decision to close the fishery was based on the most recent scientific assessment, which shows that this cod stock is at a historically low level and is continuing to decline.
Impact of seal predation on southern Gulf cod
The department’s most recent peer-reviewed scientific assessment indicated that grey seal predation appears to be a significant component of the very high mortality rates of cod in the southern Gulf. Based on these findings, Minister Shea has directed the department to ensure the targeted removal of grey seals that are preying on southern Gulf cod as part of its conservation approach. The science assessment is available at:
Gulf Shrimp – Group B
For 2009, an allocation of 15% was previously announced for the Group B Gulf shrimp fleet. Beginning in the 2010 fishing season, a permanent allocation of 13.5% for the Group B Gulf shrimp fleet will be introduced. The stabilization of this sharing arrangement will support the rationalization plans of both the groundfish and traditional shrimp fleets, and improve the ability of fishers to make business planning decisions.