***Please note that we are still awaiting direction from the Minister's Office regarding specific details on where the gear modifications are to be installed in your vertical lines.*** 

The PEIFA is looking for feedback on whale-safe gear modifications which have been supplied to the PEIFA membership over the last 2 years. If you have installed any of the modifications into your gear, regardless if you had breakage, a feedback survey that will need to be completed.

The vital feedback from this survey will help shape the mandatory requirements DFO will set out for Whalesafe gear in 2024. 

This survey can be completed over the phone by calling (902) 330-3891 or in person at the PEIFA office. Additionally, PEIFA staff will be calling those who picked up gear to gather feedback.



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April 8, 2015
Ice Reports
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Voting deadline Friday March 20 - Lobster Marketing Plebiscite
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PEI Commercial Smelt Boxnet Fishing Season - 1 week extension
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