~ Updated May 15th, 2010 ~


The PEI Fishermen’s Association has successfully won the bid for the Northumberland Strait Biodiversity Survey including the Vessel and crew for hire.  The qualified applicant hired to assist with the project is Floyd Cook of Howard’s Cove.  Floyd and his deckhand Derek will be assisting the DFO Science crew in completing two tows in each of the 57-67 pre-determined stations across the Northumberland Strait waters. 


The survey began on May 10th, 2010 and will run to June 11th, 2010 for the first portion of the project and July 5th -16th, 2010 for the second portion of the project. 


Attached is a map locating the pre-determined stations.  These same stations, timelines and methodology were used in the same survey conducted in 1975 and 1988 (also known as the CADDY survey).  Tows will be done using a beam trawl and contents of each tow with be sorted, weighed and measured when required.  Oceanographic data will also be collected. 


Floyd will be traveling with the Science crew on his vessel, Betty Adell to many ports along the Northumberland Strait during these two project periods. 


Click here for map of stations:   mapofsites.pdf